California Dental, What is BBTD and how to Prevent it
Baby Bottle Tooth Decay or BBTD is caused by frequent and prolonged exposure to any liquids such as formula, milk, fruit juices or any liquids containing sugars. If these liquids pool around baby’s teeth and fum for a long period of time they will lead to cavities that first develop in the upper and lower front teeth. This will normally happen when one leaves a baby with a baby bottle to sleep with or as a means of pacifying a baby from crying.
You should never let your baby fall asleep with a baby bottled filled with anything other the plain water. See if your dentist has a pacifier that they would recommend for you to use. If you are breast feeding try to avoid letting your child nurse continuously. Also remember to wipe your baby’s teeth and gums with a clean damp washcloth after feedings. BBTD is preventable with proper dental health care habits. Ask you dentist of any more dental care tips for your child and make sure they have regular dental check ups.